Thursday, May 15, 2008

No chemo for you!

So, today's been fun... kinda.

I made a bright and early appointment for a haircut this morning so that I could make it in time to my chemo. (Hey Sue, what do you think of my hair all pinned up? - Sexy huh? hahaha!)

The schedule should have went something like this -
9:30am to 11:00am: Haircut
11:30am: Blood Draw in Oncology
12'ish: Lunch
12:30pm: Doctor's Appt w/Charlene Trouillot (NP)
1:00pm to 5:00pm: Chemotherapy
Things went well until I got to my Doctor's appointment where I found out my bloodcounts were too low for me to get my chemo treatment. I really didn't even know what that meant, but I do know that I didn't expect to encounter this problem so soon. Bloodcounts were on my list of questions to ask today. I can't say that I am crystal clear, but for those of you that want to know - here's where I'm at -


Actual Low High
Bloodpressure 119/73 (Less than 120/80)
WBC 3.4 3.5 11.0
HGB 13.0 12.0 16.0
HCT 38.1 34.0 47.0
Platelets 306 150.0 450.0
Neutrophils 0.7 1.5 7.5
Oh Yeah, sounds like a party to me.

So what's the deal now?
I'm told it's probably not the 'norm' for someone who has only had one chemo treatment to have low counts. Here I am, beating the odds again huh? Charlene said I might just have a higher sensitivity to the drugs than the average person. I will be going back in on Monday to see if my counts are up and hopefully they are. If so, I will go ahead with treatment, likely with a lower dosage of Oxaliplatin. If this doesn't work, there is a second protocol that would involve a new medication in shot form called neupogen. We'll see what happens.

It's a bummer that this is going to throw my chemo off schedule - but I can look on the brighter side. I should be feeling okay this weekend and that means I might be able to better enjoy the stuff my family has going on - a babyshower, graduation and housewarming party. That sounds good to me. Plus, I might actually feel like combing my new d00! I got bangs - yeah.

Also, I visited NP Theresa again. She had a book for me Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and while I sat and talked to her a bit, she just made me really appreciate her being one of the people I've met through this. She asked me if I wanted to join a team for a walk that the American Cancer Society is sponsoring. It's called the "Relay For Life" and I am thinking that would be fun. I will post more on this later, but if you are interested - please let me know. That would be cool if I could talk a few people into going!

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